Further Information

AS/NZS ISO 45001 Health and Safety Management Systems

We can quickly develop a compliant ISO 45001 Health and Safety Management System for you if you wish to gain this accreditation.

AS/NZS ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems

We can quickly develop a compliant ISO 14001 Environmental Management System for you if you wish to gain this accreditation.

AS/NZS ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems

We can quickly develop a compliant ISO 9001 Quality Management System for you if you wish to gain this accreditation.

AS/NZS ISO 45001, 14001, 9001 HSEQ Integrated Management Systems

We can quickly develop a compliant ISO 45001, 14001, 9001 HSEQ Integrated Management System for you if you wish to gain these accreditations.

WHS (Occupational) Management Systems

We offer full support with the development and implementation of a tailored work health and safety management system which includes policies, roles and responsibilities, consultation and communication, procedures, risk management, training, document control and any additional resources that you need to achieve your business goals.

Petroleum and Gas Safety Management Systems

We can easily develop a comprehensive petroleum and gas safety management system that has been designed to enable compliance with the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act Qld and the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Regulations Qld. Our P&G safety management systems can also be adapted to other States if needed.

Workplace Health and Safety Management Plans

If you are about to start a construction project, we can offer you a tailored workplace health and safety management plan to suit your project and business objectives, enabling fast and efficient implementation of your work health and safety obligations.

Environmental Management Plans

We can very quickly provide you with an environmental management plan, to enable you manage environmental impacts, risks and hazards at your workplace or construction site. This plan shall also provide you with a means of continually improving your environmental performance.

Quality Management Plans

We can very quickly provide you with a quality management plan, that is designed to outline and define quality management processes.  This plan will enable you to improve your practices to better satisfy the needs and expectations of your customers, stakeholders and other interested parties.

Contractor Quality Management Plans

If you manage contractors, we can develop a contractor quality management plan to effectively manage quality processes that are associated with your contractors. This plan will assist you comply with quality assurance requirements and any relevant management policies, plans and procedures related to your contractors.

Emergency Management Plans

It is actually an obligation for a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) at a workplace to ensure that an emergency plan is prepared for their workplace. We can quickly align an emergency management plan to your workplace, so you comply with this legal responsibility.

Crisis Management Plans

If your business needs a high-level (or corporate level) crisis management plan we can develop a very comprehensive document for you that is designed to manage any crisis. This plan provides for an up to 9-member team with step-by-step procedures and all the tools to assist the team when considering possible impacts to your company and stakeholders.

Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response Plans

With the recent challenges of COVID-19, typically every workplace needs to manage infectious disease risks. We can develop for you a plan to outline the general processes for the prevention, preparedness, response and recovery for an infectious disease outbreak that may affect the operational processes of your business.

Traffic Management Plans

If traffic movement at your workplace needs to be better managed, this plan is designed to effectively manage the movement of traffic at a workplace or a construction site.

Demolition Work Plans

If you are planning demolition work, we can give you a big head start with our demolition work plan, which is designed to outline the core processes on how to effectively manage a demolition project.

Event Risk Management Plans

If you are planning a public event, all of the risks need to be managed to outline the processes on how to manage event risks. An event may include a public function, gathering, entertainment, party, etc. Also, please note that a completed event risk management plan may reduce your insurance costs.

Employee Induction Manuals

Having an employee induction manual that outlines company policies and procedures is crucial in any business, regardless of size. In conjunction with your business, we can develop an employment induction manual with an easy to follow format, which also allows for additional policies and procedures etc to be added as your company grows.

Driver Safety Induction Manuals

If you engage drivers at your workplace, it is important to have a driver safety induction manual that has been designed to assist you with inducting your drivers to safety processes, policies, procedures, expectations, etc. Please note that there are many varied legislative aspects with transport and logistics (e.g. chain of responsibility, mass management, dimensions, load restraint, fatigue management, etc.), so be sure to verify all of your specific obligations with industry regulators. We can always assist you where necessary.

Workplace Safety Audit Reports

If you need an external party to conduct a workplace safety audit to assist your business meet its obligations under the Work Health and Safety Act, Work Health and Safety Regulation and your due diligence obligations, we can assist you with a safety audit report.

Risk Assessment Reports

A risk assessment report can enable an external (or internal) party to conduct a detailed risk assessment on a process, activity or item. The intent of this type of assessment is to identify hazards and risks and give you the key information you need to make an informed decision.

Building and Complex Safety Audit Reports

If you operate a building or accommodation complex, we can conduct a safety audit for you. These safety audits have been very popular with assisting a Body Corporate meet their duty of care obligations.

Buyer’s Assessment Reports

If you are looking to buy a new business, doing your due diligence prior to purchase is vital. The intent of a buyer’s assessment is to identify hazards and risks which may require significant funds to address after purchase. Conducting this assessment may also result in a significant reduction in purchase price.

Project Close Out (Safety) Reports

Once a project is completed, it is great idea to take a look back to identify any lessons learnt and develop continual improvement strategies for your next project. We can assist you in this process with our project close out reports.

Education and Training Programs

We can provide numerous educational and training programs to assist you in meeting your WHS obligations, particularly in regard to risk management. Our educational training programs place an emphasis on active participation and making the information relevant to the working situation of participants.

Risk Management Strategies

If you require a strategy for your workplace risks, we can conduct of a range of qualitative and semi-quantitative risk assessments for plant, equipment and procedural tasks, etc., as well as the facilitation of risk assessment workshops.

Compliance Audits

Currently many businesses are required to hold accreditation in order to enter into Australian Government funded building and construction contracts. If your clients are requesting proof that your organisation has effective systems, we can conduct AS/NZS 45001, 14001 or 9001 audits for you. Action plans can then be developed to implement corrective actions and improvement strategies.

Self-Insurance Accreditation

Australian Health and Safety Professionals Pty Ltd is a self-insurance support services provider with an admirable track record of preparing companies for licence applications and license renewals.

We consult on a number of the safety and claims management aspects of the self-insurance process, including:

  • Licence condition reviews.
  • Pre-audit assessment of safety and claims management systems to ensure they satisfy licence requirements.
  • Audits of return to work programs, injury management programs, claims manuals and training packages.
  • The development and implementation of safety management systems, consistent with relevant standards or guidelines.

Due Diligence Assessments

Has your business exercised ‘due diligence’ as defined and required by the Work Health and Safety Act to ensure so far as is ‘reasonably practicable’ the safety of workers and others who may be affected by the business’s activities?

We can assist you to assess your level of due diligence. For example, officers of corporations and unincorporated bodies will need to show that they have taken reasonable steps to:

  • Acquire and update their knowledge of health and safety matters.
  • Understand the operations being carried out by the person conducting the business or undertaking in which they are employed and the hazards and risks associated with the operations.
  • Ensure that the person conducting the business or undertaking has, and uses, appropriate resources and processes to eliminate or minimize health and safety risks arising from work carried out.
  • Ensure that the person conducting the business or undertaking has appropriate processes in place to receive and respond promptly to information regarding incidents, hazards and risks.
  • Ensure that the person conducting the business or undertaking has, and uses, processes for complying with duties or obligations under the Work Health and Safety Act and for verifying compliance with those duties.

HSEQ Tender Applications

If you have a tender application to complete for a project or contract, we can assist you with all of your HSEQ requirements to improve your chances of tender application success.

Pre-audits and Accreditations

If you need to prepare for a formal third party audit or have an accreditation audit approaching, we can assist you to get your systems in great shape beforehand.

Behavioural Based Safety Programs

If you need a behavioural based safety program to enhance safety compliance, reduce incidents and improve communication and awareness, we can set you up with a great program that will yield results in a very timely manner.

Incident Investigations

Determining the cause of workplace incidents is extremely important. It is essential that even minor incidents are investigated so that causes are identified and control measures are put in place to prevent recurrence. We can provide services for incident investigation and root cause analysis, from which we prepare comprehensive reports and plans for corrective actions and prevention strategies.

Policy and Procedure Development

Every person who conducts a business has a legal obligation to ensure that the health and safety of their workers and the public is not adversely affected by their business. We can develop policies and procedures and provide you with the information necessary to enable this obligation to be met.

Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Chemicals Management

Australian Health and Safety Professionals are qualified and experienced in dangerous goods and hazardous chemicals management and can provide the following key services:

  • Conducting chemical risk assessments and recommend controls.
  • Assisting with establishing a dangerous goods and hazardous chemicals register.
  • Ensuring that safety data sheets (SDSs) are current and are in an approved accessible location.
  • Auditing signage and labelling compliance requirements.

Conducting training for specific dangerous goods and hazardous chemicals.

Safe Work Method Statements

It is mandatory if carrying out high risk construction work that a safe work method statement for the proposed high-risk work be prepared before the high-risk construction work commences. We can prepare suitable safe work method statements for you in a very timely manner to enable this mandatory legal obligation to be met.

Safety Procedures

If you need a safety procedure to be integrated into your business needs, just send us the details of what you need and we will be happy to develop it for you ASAP.

Environmental Procedures

If you need an environmental procedure to be integrated into your business needs, just send us the details of what you need and we will be happy to develop it for you ASAP.

Quality Procedures

If you need a quality procedure to be integrated into your business needs, just send us the details of what you need and we will be happy to develop it for you ASAP.

HSEQ Procedures

If you need a HSEQ procedure to be integrated into your business needs, just send us the details of what you need and we will be happy to develop it for you ASAP.

HSEQ Forms, Registers, Permits, Checklists, etc.

We can easily develop a HSEQ form, register, permit, checklist etc, for you in a very timely manner. 

We are also fully licensed to use all documents listed on My Safety Works | Health and Safety Templates and Documents  

Recruitment HSEQ Personnel

There are often extremely high costs associated with employing a fully qualified and experienced HSEQ Professional. 

You can make HSEQ management easier, quicker, and cheaper by hiring your very own ‘On Call HSEQ Professional’. When you hire your ‘On Call HSEQ Professional’, you get a professional service to protect and increase your business’s performance and profits. As soon as the job is done, your ‘On Call HSEQ Professional’ will go on standby until the next time you need assistance.

If you do need full-time HSEQ personnel, just contact us and well will put forward the best offer you have ever seen.